October 26, 2014

In season: berries and pods

The fall season delights with an abundance of berries, fruits and seed pods that add bursts of color to autumnal arrangements. Shown from top to bottom: Ilex, pepper berry, rose hips, and beauty berry. Ilex berry comes in vibrant yellowish and peach hues, in addition to the classic red. The dainty pepper berry ranges from green to orange to red. The larger rose hip fruit also comes in green, orange and red with a variety sizes and stem lengths. The show stopper beauty berry wows with its bright purple color.

October 7, 2014

Wedding style: succulents


Succulents continue to be a popular addition to the bridal bouquet mix. Shown above are two late summer/early fall bridal bouquets that combine dahlias, roses and lots of texture. The fiery hued first example includes yarrow, echinacea, scabiosa pods, and crespedia. The soft palette second bouquet has touches of sage leaf and lavender. Interested in succulents? Then click on our succulent label to view previous blog posts.